A GUIDE to start your Business Digitally in 30 days !

Table of Contents

Firstly, Let’s break some myths. One needs an MBA degree to start a business. However, the truth is Even if you are a housewife or a college-going student, or an aspiring entrepreneur. You can start your business in 8 weeks. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you start and upscale your business digitally in just 30 days.

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1st week: Goal setting.

Before you start your business digitally, set a realistic goals, a Goal that resonates with your true being.
But, How do you set a goal?
The simplest way is to understand is your true vocation, More importantly, TO KNOW YOUR WHY?

It knows what you’re doing with a purpose to be true to yourself. The intend should be set correctly.
Have a mission statement, Not a money-making mechanism. For instance, My mission is to help entrepreneurs Start and upscale their business Digitally. For You the goal can be anything. Yet, it must be precise so that you can
work for it easily.
Remember, vague Goals give Vague results.
Hence, Set your FOUNDATION right.

2nd week: Select a niche.

Secondly, What are you passionate about? What are you inclined for? And what is your ikigai?
Can you answer these questions without thinking for a moment?
However, To answer these. Find your

  • Passion– That makes you jump out of bed every day.
  • Problem – One big problem you want to Solve
  • People – Whom are you targeting?
  • Payment – The Money you can receive against the services.

If yes, then you know what your niche is.
To start your business digitally, select a niche first. Why do you want to sell that product?
What change do you wish to bring about in the world?
And as a result, You find your NICHE.

3rd week: Market research.

Have you done your market research carefully? Which audiences are you targeting? Are they interested in your specific product/service/good? Now it is time to conduct thorough market research. Conducting good market research gives you CLARITY
Therefore, Start doing Market Research on platforms like Quora, medium, Udemy.

4th week: Build customer persona.

Now, all you need is to connect with your consumers. However, this step focuses on building your customer persona. And it is a semi-fictional archetype that represents key features of a vast section of your target audience. This step helps you know what your customers need and demand the most. Be vigilant to observe your customer’s problems.
Nevertheless, Try to provide the exact solution that your customers want.

5th week: Build your tribe.

You have your target audience now. You know what specific needs your consumers have. And you have the product or service to satisfy that need. Build your Community, nurture those communities and expand your networking. The more you expand, the more you understand the problems and create a customized solution. Have a problem-solving approach and become the LEADER og your tribe.

6th week: Selling strategy.

Now, this is a game-changer. Because during this week, your selling strategies determine the further progress. Your selling strategy shall be clear. And it should distinguish you from your competitors. Your consumers have plenty of options, so you need to give them a solid reason as to why they should choose you over your competitors.

7th week: Personal branding.

All focus must be on YOU because you are the business. Your company, your business, and your brand follow you.
You are the creator of your company. And people will buy you first and then your product. Therefore, the branding must be attractive enough that it grasps the attention of your consumers.

8th week: Beat the procrastination.

Stop pushing away things to do later. Now is your time. Ramp up your teamwork, strategies, deals, and analyze
every detail carefully. By this time, your business is stable, and you can set off on your digital journey with ease.

To conclude

Hence, In these 8 weeks, you start from scratch and grow magnificently. And by the time you go through these steps, your business is on a new level. Fancy degrees and special training aren’t required to start your own business. Instead, you can start and grow your own business to recognise market gaps and have the ideas to accomplish them. Have the audacity to take the plunge and create something Unique.
It is possible only when you have a MISSION greater than Money.

If you have any doubt, query you can Contact me. Fill free to Comment below


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