7 steps to becoming a Digital coach

Table of Contents

Coach! What exactly comes to your mind when you hear the word Digital “coach”? What are the feelings that accompany it? How do you feel when you think of a coach? And how does it feel to be with one? Relaxing right! A feeling of security, correct guidance and support are the words that best describe a coach. And in today’s time, almost every kind of vocation out there needs a coach. A coach is not someone who teaches you something. A coach is the one who teaches you the ‘right way to do something. 

Nowadays, especially during the times of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we need coaching. And that is in almost every sphere of life. Whether it is Instagram, Facebook or YouTube, we find many people who claim to be coaches digitally. Whether it’s about business or life, they deliver their services online. Hence, the digital name coach. However, when you come to business, A digital coach means a professional consultant. And they are well trained to help your business scale digitally. A lot of us can be digital coaches, but not all achieve this feat. You need to set your intentions right before you can become a digital coach. And in today’s blog post, I’ll help you do that. 

Here below, I share seven steps to set your intentions right before becoming a digital coach. Read well and know how you can be one today. 

1- Problem Solving. 

The main aim of a digital coach is to solve problems. These problems can be of beginners or professional business persons who are stuck somewhere. You must know how to solve their issues. You need not give them complicated advice. Instead, your crispness and preciseness help them more. You should be able to solve your clients’ problems. Those problems can be related to gaining more sales or getting more leads. And can even be to gain more engagement on social media or make a good landing page even. Problem-solving is the priority of a digital coach. And how you do so defines the outcomes. 

2- No Marketing Gimmick. 

The critical thing to remember when consulting people on online business is not to do any marketing gimmick. Your clients know when you’re goofing around. So be sincere with them. And never try to sell your services to your clients who look up to you in distress. Instead, help them understand the world of digital marketing. And teach them the ways to sail through it. People hate scams and fraud. So do not try to convince them to purchase your services. If they are interested, they will buy on their own. So instead of flattering your clients, help them out genuinely. Marketing gimmicks do not work when it comes to being a digital coach. 

3- Incorporate deep values. 

Your consultancy service is meaningless when it does not carry any value. Your business values represent you as a person. And they depict a lot about your personality. So incorporate deep values while being with your clients. Your clients want to know “why” you are doing what you are doing. Become value-oriented, and see how people benefit from your coaching. 
Read more from one of my mentors

4- Listen More. 

We always speak more and listen less. We forget that we have got two ears and one mouth. And that is where every problem roots. Do not make such mistakes while coaching your clients. Your clients want to be heard. So listen to them out before you advise them on anything. Also, listening more gives more weight to your words. Hence, your consultancy becomes more effective.

5- Belief. 

Belief can move mountains. Such an excellent quote it is. And it makes magic. When you believe something, it manifests sooner or later. And that solely depends on how much belief you have in it. When you believe in yourself that you can help people with their business, you somehow end up doing so. You get new ideas, and you get motivation and inspiration. And in addition to that, you carry out your job well. So believe that your services help your clients. And see it happening in reality. 

6- Proper Planning. 

Many times, people seem to jump-start their work. Meaning they begin the work right away, without being prepared. And that is the worst mistake you can make when it comes to being a digital coach. Before carrying out your work, prepare yourself. Plan out properly how you are going to help your clients out. First, plan

your working style. And reflect whether you are satisfied with it or not. How would you feel with that style if you were your client? Would you like to consult? Your answers help you modify your working styles. And help you plan your job correctly. 

7- Execution. 

Lastly, execution is the key. The word execution defines itself well enough because only planning would not do. The way you execute your coaching defines how convinced your client is. And it paves the way to good results with client satisfaction. Because in the end, you want your clients to be benefitted from your coaching/consultancy, right? 

Digital Coaching might seem simple, but it takes stuff to do effectively. You cannot be a Digital coach if you are half-hearted in your approach. So conclusively, you need only seven basic things before becoming a digital coach. And these seven things help you set your intentions right. Firstly, have a problem-solving attitude. Make sure not to do anything marketing gimmick. And incorporate deep values. Listen more, believe, plan correctly and then execute. So when you follow these steps, you do justice to your role and help others. 

If you intend to become a Digital Coach, Read this article https://dimpiagarwal.com/start-your-business-digitally/


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