5 Lessons From My Experience Of Meditation, Vipassana.

Table of Contents

Life can be a hard and challenging, but the only way to deal is to break the pattern of our mind and accept the realities the way it is. Voila! Vipassana (meditation) it is.

What is Vipassana all about?

Well, The idea is that we should cut ourselves from all outside noise by getting rid of all our belongings –  gadgets like phones, books, pen with no communication allowed during this time period!

This practice of self-renewal is to help people to be more present and overcome anxiety from worry, fear or stress by focusing on what is happening now.

How did we Start?

We reached the centre on 24th November,21. I walked into a huge building, with an elegant and well-ordered interior. There were separate areas for males and females that had written instructions telling you what time your respective schedule starts. Dhamma Hall was the meditation centre, Everything over there was perfect so that practice can go well, even without uttering a word.Meditation at Dhamma Hall was the perfect opportunity to get in touch with oneself.

However, Biggest challenge for me was overcoming my fear of being alone in a strange place. But, I constantly said  to myself, I will be able to deal with it.I had never, thought that I would experience Vipassana. I have always wanted to know how we can be happy no matter what life throws at us. My quest for balance has taken me everywhere from meditation to all sorts of spiritual practices.

The routine whole Day-

Day begins- 25th November,21

4o’clock in the Dhamma hall with gongs. We had to assemble and meditate on Instructions being given by late guruji Shri S.D Goenka-ji founder of Vipassana meditation. The practice was known as Annapana –where one concentrates their breathing techniques while focusing solely on inhalations and exhalation.

I started practicing but it was really difficult to concentrate . However, I continued thinking we have more days to make it perfect.

6:30a.m – 8 a.m – Now, It’s time for breakfast, the different variety of food was awesome and the feeling Last Whole Day Long!

8:00a.m – 11 a.m – Now it’s time to meditate again on the basis of technique that was taught earlier.

11 a.m – 11: 45a.m – Lunch at the palace is a time to relax and enjoy the food. I loved how we had different items for our meal, like butter milk, phulka or halwa dhokla with different variety of sabji.

11:45 – 1:00p.m -It’s time to relax the mind, and Take rest.

1:00 p.m– 5:00 p.m – Meditation time again.

5:00 p.m– 5:45p.m – Snacks Time

6:00p.m – 9:00 p.m–  Mediation and videos by Late Guruji – S.D Goenka.

9:00 p.m – Off to Sleep

Sharing My Personal Experience –

The Difficult part of the practice was–

The first three days because I could hardly sleep, from morning to night practice, practice and practice. Plus dealing with an inability to communicate was tough all on its own – it’s hard when you can’t talk or hear anyone else around for support! The sleepless nights added extra anxiety as well. The next seven days were a practice where I could deeply analyse the energy flowing and passing through my body. Different sensations like pain, pricking, numbness, Cold, hot. I could constantly each moment feel the energy in the body.

The last 7 days, I could feel the sensations of my body everywhere. Even while sleeping, While eating, it was like every second I am experiencing the constant flow in the body without even putting any effort. Sometimes it was nice experience, and sometimes it was difficult to be in that zone.

Now, comes the best part-

Overall the experience was magical. First day, it was difficult because my mind is constantly moving from one place to another! But with constant practices and focus I managed to do so successfully (although after a few tries).

When I first started to age, the clock was always ticking. But after watching young generations and older ones in similar zones, it amazed me how they were able do something that seemed so hard for me at times. I waited to know myself at the end of the 10th day, to become a different person in terms of perspective and clarity.

5 important things about VIPASSANA-

1)Anicca–  Impermanence

Nothing is the World is permanent, nor the worry , nor the happiness.

2)Equanimity – Calm and compose

Whatever be the situation, always be in equanimity

3)Anatta – Egolessness

Get rid of Me, Mine, Mera

4)Don’t accumulate the Information but Experience all the above

5)Accept the way it is. Look at the way it is rather than creating and visualizing any illusion in your mind.

To Conclude

Vipassana says, Don’t accumulate information, rather experience on your own. Don’t believe anything, before information doesn’t last long, the experience does. Hence that’s the reason- late Shri S.D Goenka Guruji, has introduced a practice of Vipassana (which was an ancient practice around 2500 years ago being practiced by Gautam buddha and he got enlightement but after that it was lost) Hence Guruji brought this to us so people everywhere can live happily understanding the fundamentals in life.

Read the post to get more information-

It may be confusing at first glance as there are many different forms of meditation incorporated by various religions practices, however, Vipassana is beyond all religion and all other individual practices. It’s the way to live life in whatever situations come across.

And Finally –

All happy faces
Me and My husband after 10 days of Vipassana

I have experienced all of the above and now I am calmer. I have experience that everything is impermanent in this world, which includes days when you may feel grumpy or down-hearted but with time comes understanding how to deal with by accepting them for what they really are. Vipassana is a journey to know oneself better and better each passing day. I truly wish everyone should experience the same once in their lifetime.



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