
I was born and raised in Assam. My journey started when I came to Mumbai after marriage. Being a new wed in a new city was challenging. And the questions like- Where should I start my life journey from?
What should I choose and the direction was all clueless to me.

It took some time, but eventually, I started my career as a fashion designer and did odd jobs in this Industry. After getting some experience, I took the plunge and started my own Business. But little did I know, Business has a lot more things to be done than just designing or creating a product. I had to shut the store and look for more Opportunities.

But it has not always been easy. I faced challenges that are unique to being a woman, such as the mental pressure of starting my own family and accepting failure lifelong while also doubting myself in every situation imaginable – even when success seemed within reach!  but, The best part about all this? Being persistent enough not only work towards those dreams but rebel against society’s standards telling me they were too big for me or couldn’t be accomplished because “women can’t do these things”.

Hence,  I went into a learning curve for 3-4 years to understand what it takes to build a Business, following great mentors, deep insights on lots of books. I started exploring more by learning language, travelling & connecting with more people. I was completely awestruck to see how powerful internet as sitting in Mumbai, I was able to spread the knowledge of Foreign Language to different parts of the World.

Voila! After I faced lot of challenges as a woman, it became my mission to help other women start and build their own networks. To do this effectively we need access to the internet so that they can grow in many different ways becoming independent and even living happier lives with more fulfillment than ever before!

Now, the only question is 

” Are you Willing to put Whatever it take?”

The journey to become self-sufficient and confident takes many steps. Today I am on a mission to help women start their own business so they can live an independent life without the need for anyone else's approval or validation."